Name: Radha B. Ghevariya
STD: M.A (Sem-4)
Subject : The Mass Communication and Media Studies
Roll No. : 22
Submitted to : Department of English Maharaja
krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
The term
“Media” it’s large umbrella term. which is through we communicate everything.
media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the
innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they
control the minds of the masses”
Media are the collective communication outlets
or tools that are used to store and deliver information’s or data. it is either
associated with communication media , or the specialized communication
businesses such as print media and the press, photography, advertising, cinema
, broadcasting on radio or Tv, and or publishing .
Advertisement play vital role in Media. first of all we can define that what is
Advertisement ?
is dissemination of information concerning an idea, service or product to
compel action in accordance with the interest of the advertiser”
Advertising is a
form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or
continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or
political or ideological support. We use media in various ways like newspaper, fliers,
business cards, billboards, etc. Here are few types through which we can found advertisements.

let’s start the brief note on various
1. Indoor Advertisement
Indoor Advertisement it means
where people get the message sitting at home, through the newspaper , magazine
or hears a radio or engrossed in TV programme or film the advertisement
programme is an indoor.
a. Newspaper
Newspaper is an important for the indoor advertisement. a sizable share
of the total advertising budget is spent on advertising in newspapers in
English & regional language newspaper. many newspapers in English are
national in circulation. the usual inputs to the newspapers are :
ü finished art work
ü blocks
ü paper mats
For newspaper like the Hindu ,
Times Of India etc,… the final artworks should be sent well in advance certain
regional newspaper which use type set printing require blocks and certain
newspaper which have several editions printed at different places may require
several paper mats. the paper mats are cheap replica of the blocks , but the
reproduction in printing may not be as accurate as a block. the rate cards
maybe had from the newspaper , on application, and usually the rates are based
on the column , centimeters of the newspapers.
For e.g.
the rate in “ THE TIMES OF INDIA” is
Rs.75/- per column the charge differ
from newspaper to newspaper depending upon the circulation and readership.
b. Magazine
Magazine is most important advantage is the length of life. the
advertisement may be seen several times. also the better kind of paper and so
better reproduction. the reader of the magazine or journals may be specialists
and professionals. paper magazine if selected , reaches the right kind of
target audience. more circulation and more readership and so the advertisement
cost per reader is much less.
c. Radio
Radio Advertising can be described as “Word of mouth Advertising on a
whole sale” . the radio is a prominent vehicle of advertising in our country
and accounts for a large sum of the total advertisement budget. the radio
serves principally the local rather than
the national market. the impact of radio is quite clear in advanced nations as
one tunes over seas like VOA (voice of America) , BBC (British Broadcasting
2. Outdoor Advertisement
Advertising on billboards or signboards outside of a building and often by
the roadside consider as Out‐Door
Advertising. outdoor advertising is capable of gaining more attention. it
offers great selectivity . it could be used locally regionally or even
nationally. also the flexibility is present. it is semi-permanent. once the
board is exhibited, it is could be kept there for quite a long time. it is a
very good medium to stress brand names and package identity. the outdoor
advertisement like ;
ü Poster
ü Printed Displays
ü Advertising Boards
ü Travelling Displays
ü Electric Displays
ü Sky Writing
ü Sandwitch Men
A poster is a sheet of a paper containing a message and posted on the
face of a panel. the Advertisement is either lithographed or printed or painted
by hand on a sheet on paper. the poster may be posted on the face of card board
or a metallic sheet and then exhibited at the place contracted for.
ii. Printed Displays
It also to the poster discussed
above. the size is very big. they contain pictures etc… it is found in cinema
These are also posters to be
kept at certain fixed places especially at point where people frequently
assemble. Bus stop , railways station etc…. offer good places for kind of
advertising . “SELVEL” , “ADSITES” , “GOMET PUBLICITIES” etc…. are some of the
famous hoarding contractors in India.
The travelling Display refers
to moving advertisements. the advertisements on moving vehicles such as buses
and railway trains offer examples of this type of advertising. this form is
very effective.
3. Print Advertisement
If an advertisement is
printed on paper, be it newspapers, magazines, brochures, fliers that would be
considered a portable printed medium, then it comes under print media.
4. Online Advertisement
Online Advertisement is a
marketing strategy that involves the Internet as a medium to obtain website
traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers.
online advertisement is geared toward defining markets through unique and
useful applications. the online advertising is also known as Internet
advertising. the online selling is very
useful for us.
5. Broadcast Advertisement
The Broadcast Advertisement are
generated in the Television. The direct broadcast in the Television
Advertisement. very popular advertising medium constitute of several branches
like radio, or the internet . but the television advertisement have been very
popular ever since they have been
6. Celebrity Advertisement
The Celebrity Advertisement is
very popular for the 21st century. because people are more and more divert in smarter and modern life. although the audience is getting smarter and smarter
the modern day consumer getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a
modernity of advertisement , there exist a section of advertisers that still
bank upon celebrities and their popularity for advertising their product. the use
of celebrity advertising , such as well-known athletes and entertainers , to
endorse and promote products, celebrity advertising attempts to associate a
product with the money, popularity fame or appearance of the celebrity. the implied message is that purchasing the
product will enable a consumer to become more like the celebrity.
7. Surrogate Advertisement
The Surrogate Advertisement is
Prominently in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law.
law for product like Cigarettes or alcohol are injurious to health prohibits
advertising. the Surrogate advertising is a form of advertising which is used
to promote banned products , like the cigarettes and alcohol , in the disguise
of another product. this type of advertising uses a product os a fairly close
category , as a club soda , mineral water in case of alcohol , or product of a
completely different category to hammer the brand name into the heads of
consumers. in India there is a large number of companies doing surrogate
advertising .
8. Covert Advertisement
The Covert
Advertisement it’s kind of Advertising in which a product a particular brand is
incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like Movie, TV , shows or even the sports
channels. the covert advertising refers to advertising that is hidden in other
media such as an actor in a movie drinking a Coca-Cola. it is referred to as “Covert”
because it is not direct advertising , but subliminally viewers often notice
the product.
To conclude, at last we can say that the advertising more useful for us.
Advertising free media refers to media outlets whose output is not funded or
subsidized by the sale or advertising space. it includes in its scope mass
media entities such as Websites, Television and Radio Networks , and Magazines.
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