Thursday 29 October 2015

Show Eliot's use of images in 'The Waste Land'.

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Show Eliot's use of images in 'The Waste Land'

Name : Radha B. Ghevariya 

Std. : M.A. SEM-3

Sub : The Modernist Literature

Roll no : 22 

Topic : Show Eliot's use of images in 'The Waste Land'

Submitted to : Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English 


                  Thomas Sterns Eliot was born on 26 September 1888 in st.louis Missouri. He was known as an essayist , publisher,playwright,literary and social critic and "one of the twentieth century's major poets". He was contribution in literature from 1905 to 1965. He win the Nobel prize in literature from the 1948. His childhood passed nearby a big river. His mother was a social worker namely charolte champe sterns. His father , Henry ware Eliot (1843-1919), was a successful businessman , president and treasurer of the hydraulic press brick company in st.louis. Eliot more attention for his poem " The Love Song Of Alfred Prufrock"(1915). Which is seen as a masterpiece of the modernist movement.

               - The Waste Land (1922)
               -  The Hollow Men (1925)
               -  Ash Wednesday (1930)
               - Four Quarters (1945)
#  Five Parts Of The Poem
                      The poem ' The Waste Land' written by T.S.Eliot. the word 'Waste' it means nothingness , deserted , something is grow and infertile land and the Land here , eliot talk about the city of London also T.S.Eliot is modern literature writer but he was also half  American and half English (Britain). In this poem Eliot talk about the western culture . His location and notion by the western culture. The poem 'The Waste Land' it id the epic poem of 20th century.
                  The Waste Land represents our current world is a mob of faces , of fragmented images also this all the poem if not find the clear cut picture of the poem. 'The Waste Land' divided into Five parts of the poem like,

1) A Burial Of The Dead
2) A Game Of Chess
3) The Fire Sermon
4) Death  By Water
5) What The Thunder Said
                   The poem is Archetype way. A poem made of the collage of images. The title 'The Waste Land' also suggest the image of London. Here, T.S.Eliot also use the collage of images in this poem. The poem is written as a tribute to Ezra pound. T.S.Eliot in this poem was published during so many distraction in his life because his wife Vivien was suffering from disorder so the frustration of his struggles is reflected much in this poem.
               The poem 'The Waste Land' is difficult to understand because it has effect of fragmented images. What we called it as a 'collage'. Now let us discuss about the five parts of the poem in brief way.

1) A Burial Of The Dead

                        The  poem 'A Burial Of The Dead' start from season. Season also reflect the image. In this poem eliot talk about the season of April , Winter, spring season reflect the something happens and sometime death also. The main idea about of the poem is "life in death and death in life". Death is celebrated because now you are free form all the thing.

                  The speaker also talk about a true wasteland of 'stony Rubbish’, in it he said , man can recognize only heap of broken images. The poem scene seems to offers salvation shade and  a vision of something new and different. Vision is connected with handful dust. The speaker also talk about the image of water and stone. Water is a metaphor and also the symbol. Water  who don't know the power of purity. Water as a archetype image.

                   The image of Madame Sosostris . She was a fashionable fortune teller. Now we can see the painting of Madame Sosostris .   at the central part we can see the image of women and her head connected with the cross. Cross suggested the poem is connected with Christianity . It is my view about the city of London. The city of london is the image of Christianity that's why T.S.Eliot talk about christianity in this poem. Also the man and women who believe in the christianity. I.A.Richard and Cleanth Brooks agree with the this poem is essentially a religious poem a Christian poem.

                 The poem ' A Burial Of The Dead' we can see there are many images like landscape scene like deserted place, rocks , no water ,  fear in handful dust, heap of broken image also the image of unreal city. The unreal city of London , and the crowd that move's over  London bridge . The unreal city may be any city in the spiritual Waste Land. The crowds moving over London bridge are the spiritually  dead citizens of the waste land going their daily round of dull routine.
                  In a handful of dust- the musing of Tiresias. Tiresias has a blind person. Tiresias has male and female also. It is mythical character. But i have question about this topic. What is the purpose of T.S.Eliot character of Tiresias ? Also the image of the red-rock . Red-rock is symbol of christianity and christian church , and the protagonist invites the waste landers to seek shelter from the wrath of god by accepting the message of Christ. This is the only hope of salvation for them. Faith in the supernal  alone can bring salvation.

2) A Game of Chess

             Image result for image of t.s.eliot poem a game of chess  The poem ‘A  Game of Chess’ in this poem there are many images use in the poem. The image of Xylograph in lady’s chamber . she waits for a lover, her neurotic thoughts becomes frantic meaningless cries. Her day culminates with plans for an excursion and a game of chess.

           The image of spiritual death and the wind. Wind is also the symbol of change. The image of Philomela we can also found that the high and lower class in the poem. This section focuses on two opposing scenes, one of high society and one of the lower classes. The first half of the section portrayed a wealthy highly groomed woman surrounded by exquisite furnishings also one women who spending money of his husband and one suffering from money. This section like the lady Philomela. The image of nightingale which is inviolable.

          At last the line of the play ‘Hamlet’ taken from the ‘Hamlet’,
“ Ta Ta good night , good night, good night ladies, good night sweet ladies, good night, good night”
              Interestingly this section ends with a line echoing Ophelia’s suicide speech in hamlet ; this line lil to the woman in the first section of the poem who has also been compare to famous female suicide.

3) The Fire Sermon

            Image result for image of t.s.eliot poem the fire sermon     The poem title also suggest the image this section is taken from the from the famous sermon. Sermon is the image of lord Buddha in which the world is shown burning with last and passion and hatred and a thousand other evils.

     " Burning burning burning burning
      O Lord thou pluckest me out
      O Lord thou pluckest burning"

                   It also reminds one of the  confession of St. Augustine wherein he represents last as a burning cauldron. Thus, the east and the west lust has been condemned as a source of all evil.

                The also one more image like 'Tiresias'. Tiresias historically connected with the story of king Oedipus and Thebes. Tiresias the blind prophet, Tiresias surveying the Thames scene in the autumn. The Autumn leaves have fallen down and the wind moves without any rustle. Autumn also the symbol of death. The Thames is deserted.

               In the summer, it had the haunt of nameless ladies in sea of momentry pleasure , and rich sons of business directors equally in need of pleasure. The another image like water. The water is a source of purification and regeneration but degenerate modern man does not realize this and so does not hesitate to defile the purity of the river. " sweats oil and far" also the another image of River. The   pollution of the river symbolizes spiritual degeneration. The River Thames but a dirty the protagonist mourns the pollution of the river water. Water and Fishing were symbol of transformation and regeneration in the past, but now they have lost their spiritual significance. Also one more image like Mrs. Porter references to a prostitution. Mrs.Porter and her daughter wash their feet in soda water, not for their spiritual purification but to make their flesh fires to attract more males. The another image of the song of nightingale does not suggest a story of suffering and purification but one which sanctioned man's sexual brutality thus there is complete vulgarization of values.

             The fisher king was one of the region where grail worship had been anciently in vogue , and a temple known as chapel perilous, still stood here, broken and dilapidated as a mournful memorial of what one was , but later had ceased to be. The impotency of fisherking was reflected sympathetically in the land of which he was the head and the ruler. It had become dry and barren , the haunt and home of want and famine. The king however, was waiting with hope, despite his illness that one day the knight of the pure soul would visit his star-crossed kingdom march to the Chapel perilous, answer questions and solve riddle.

4) Death by Water

           Image result for image of t.s.eliot poem death by waterDeath by water describes a man Phebas the Phoenician who has died apparently by drowning. The Death by Water it is also reflect the archetype image and the tragic water world. The water as a part of  human life. Because human was not leave without water. So, it is the main important of human life. The Cleanth Brook's poem "Life in Death, Death in Life". The theme of the poem is the spiritual and emotional sterility of the modern world. Cleanth Brooks says that its theme is life-in-death , the living death of the modern waste landers. Man as lost his passion that is his faith in god and religion his passion participation in religion and this decay of faith has resulted in the lost of vitality , both spiritual and emotional.

               However, the life in the modern waste land is a life-in-death , a living death , like that of the Sibly at came.

              T.S.Eliot idea about the life-in-death he says that Eliot's philosophy , in so far as we are human being we must act and do either evil or good , and it is better to do evil than to do nothing.

           At last we can say that their is a life-in-death a life of complete inactivity , listlessness and apathy. That is why winter is welcome to them , and April is the cruelest of month. Also one more suggest the birth and death for it reminds them of the stirrings of life and ," they dislike to be roused from their death-in-life"

5) What the Thunder said

                 The poem ‘what the thunder said’ it is entire leads to the ideas of Jesus Christ. The Christian imaginary use in this poem. Also we can say that the waste land poem connected with the Christianity. The image of water and the Jesus was carried away religion. The poem also reflect the surrealistic image like the toll a ringing of church bell. The tolling bells it is the imagery of someone death . and at the morning lock it is reflect something bright in our life.
“He who was living is now dead”

              The image of dead mountain the reflected the recurring time and again. However the idea about the death of god and god never dies. We can find that all human being believe in god so, human can’t believe the death of god so it is conflict between the god and human.
“…….so far as we are human what we do must be either good or evil; so far as do evil or good , we are human; and it is better in a paradoxical way, to do evil than to do nothing : at lest we exist……”

-A French poet
-Critic/ translator

       There are many image use in the poem like, falling towers: capital of post civilization, and the three more important image like,

1)    Datta = God
2)    Dayadhvam = Human
3)    Damyata = Demons

             The word ‘Datta’ it means given and Dayadhvam connected with human and the Damyata is connected with the demon it is like the pity- sympathy- empathy.
         At last we can see the use of words like……

“ Shantih Shantih Shantih “

    The word ‘Shantih’ it means the peace that passes understanding it a silent and muteness.


         We conclude that the poem ‘waste land’ divided into five parts. And the poem uses the various images, theme, symbol etc…… there are many great images use in five poems.
           The all these poem not end with hope but end with despire but with a message of hope or the inhabits of the modern desolate land spiritual regeneration is possible and poet shows the pathway.

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