Saturday 19 March 2016

Advertisement in Media

Name: Radha B. Ghevariya

STD: M.A (Sem-4)

Subject : The Mass Communication and Media Studies

Roll No. : 22

Submitted to : Department of English Maharaja krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

Topic : Advertisement in Media

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             The term “Media” it’s large umbrella term. which is through we communicate everything.

”The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses”

                      Media are the collective communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information’s or data. it is either associated with communication media , or the specialized communication businesses such as print media and the press, photography, advertising, cinema , broadcasting on radio or Tv, and or publishing .

               The Advertisement play vital role in Media. first of all we can define that what is Advertisement ?

“Advertisement is dissemination of information concerning an idea, service or product to compel action in accordance with the interest of the advertiser”

             Advertising  is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support. We use media in various ways like newspaper, fliers, business cards, billboards, etc. Here are few types through which we can found advertisements.

*    Indoor Advertisement
*    Outdoor Advertisement
*    Print Advertisement
*    Online Advertisement
*    Celebrity Advertisement
*    Covert Advertisement
*    Surrogate Advertisement
*    Broadcast Advertisement

        let’s start the brief note on various Advertisement.

1.  Indoor Advertisement

                Indoor Advertisement it means where people get the message sitting at home, through the newspaper , magazine or hears a radio or engrossed in TV programme or film the advertisement programme is an indoor.

a.  Newspaper

           Newspaper is an important for the indoor advertisement. a sizable share of the total advertising budget is spent on advertising in newspapers in English & regional language newspaper. many newspapers in English are national in circulation. the usual inputs to the newspapers are :

ü finished art work
ü blocks
ü paper mats

               For newspaper like the Hindu , Times Of India etc,… the final artworks should be sent well in advance certain regional newspaper which use type set printing require blocks and certain newspaper which have several editions printed at different places may require several paper mats. the paper mats are cheap replica of the blocks , but the reproduction in printing may not be as accurate as a block. the rate cards maybe had from the newspaper , on application, and usually the rates are based on the column , centimeters of the newspapers.

For e.g.

       the rate in “ THE TIMES OF INDIA” is Rs.75/-  per column the charge differ from newspaper to newspaper depending upon the circulation and readership.

b.  Magazine

              Magazine is most important advantage is the length of life. the advertisement may be seen several times. also the better kind of paper and so better reproduction. the reader of the magazine or journals may be specialists and professionals. paper magazine if selected , reaches the right kind of target audience. more circulation and more readership and so the advertisement cost per reader is much less.

c.   Radio

         Radio Advertising can be described as “Word of mouth Advertising on a whole sale” . the radio is a prominent vehicle of advertising in our country and accounts for a large sum of the total advertisement budget. the radio serves principally the local  rather than the national market. the impact of radio is quite clear in advanced nations as one tunes over seas like VOA (voice of America) , BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation).

2.  Outdoor Advertisement

               Advertising on billboards or signboards outside of a building and often by the roadside consider as OutDoor Advertising. outdoor advertising is capable of gaining more attention. it offers great selectivity . it could be used locally regionally or even nationally. also the flexibility is present. it is semi-permanent. once the board is exhibited, it is could be kept there for quite a long time. it is a very good medium to stress brand names and package identity. the outdoor advertisement like ;

ü Poster
ü Printed Displays
ü Advertising Boards
ü Travelling Displays
ü Electric Displays
ü Sky Writing
ü Sandwitch Men

    i.      Poster

            A poster is a sheet of a paper containing a message and posted on the face of a panel. the Advertisement is either lithographed or printed or painted by hand on a sheet on paper. the poster may be posted on the face of card board or a metallic sheet and then exhibited at the place contracted for.

  ii.      Printed Displays

               It also to the poster discussed above. the size is very big. they contain pictures etc… it is found in cinema advertising.

 iii.      Advertising Boards

             These are also posters to be kept at certain fixed places especially at point where people frequently assemble. Bus stop , railways station etc…. offer good places for kind of advertising . “SELVEL” , “ADSITES” , “GOMET PUBLICITIES” etc…. are some of the famous hoarding contractors in India.

 iv.      Travelling Displays

             The travelling Display refers to moving advertisements. the advertisements on moving vehicles such as buses and railway trains offer examples of this type of advertising. this form is very effective.

3.  Print Advertisement
             If an advertisement is printed on paper, be it newspapers, magazines, brochures, fliers that would be considered a portable printed medium, then it comes under print media.

4.  Online Advertisement

             Online Advertisement is a marketing strategy that involves the Internet as a medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers. online advertisement is geared toward defining markets through unique and useful applications. the online advertising is also known as Internet advertising.  the online selling is very useful for us.

5.  Broadcast Advertisement

           The Broadcast Advertisement are generated in the Television. The direct broadcast in the Television Advertisement. very popular advertising medium constitute of several branches like radio, or the internet . but the television advertisement have been very popular  ever since they have been introduced.   

6.  Celebrity Advertisement

             The Celebrity Advertisement is very popular for the 21st century. because people are more and more divert in smarter and modern life. although the audience is getting smarter and smarter the modern day consumer getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a modernity of advertisement , there exist a section of advertisers that still bank upon celebrities and their popularity for advertising their product.  the  use of celebrity advertising , such as well-known athletes and entertainers , to endorse and promote products, celebrity advertising attempts to associate a product with the money, popularity fame or appearance of the celebrity.  the implied message is that purchasing the product will enable a consumer to become more like the celebrity.

7.  Surrogate Advertisement

               The Surrogate Advertisement is Prominently in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law. law for product like Cigarettes or alcohol are injurious to health prohibits advertising. the Surrogate advertising is a form of advertising which is used to promote banned products , like the cigarettes and alcohol , in the disguise of another product. this type of advertising uses a product os a fairly close category , as a club soda , mineral water in case of alcohol , or product of a completely different category to hammer the brand name into the heads of consumers. in India there is a large number of companies doing surrogate advertising .

8.  Covert Advertisement

                      The Covert Advertisement it’s kind of Advertising in which a product a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like  Movie, TV , shows or even the sports channels. the covert advertising refers to advertising that is hidden in other media such as an actor in a movie drinking a Coca-Cola. it is referred to as “Covert” because it is not direct advertising , but subliminally viewers often notice the product.

           To conclude, at last we can say that the advertising more useful for us. Advertising free media refers to media outlets whose output is not funded or subsidized by the sale or advertising space. it includes in its scope mass media entities such as Websites, Television and Radio Networks , and Magazines.

Friday 18 March 2016

Poor- Rich Divide In Adiga’s The White Tiger

Name: Radha B. Ghevariya

STD: M.A (Sem-4)

Subject : The New Literature

Roll No. : 22

Submitted to : Department of English Maharaja krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

Topic : Poor- Rich Divide In Adiga’s The White Tiger

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             Arvind Adiga is an Indian- Australian Writer and journalist. his debut novel “The White Tiger” , won the 2008 Man Booker Prize. The White Tiger is singular in its fictionalized portrayal of the relationship between Balram Halwai and his master Mr. Ashok. the story exposes the poor-rich divide that surrounds India in the backdrop of economic prosperity, in the work of the IT evolution. speaking on the servant-master relationship , Adiga says: (A.J. and Sebastian)

“The servant – master system implies two things : one is that the servants are far poorer than the rich – a servant has no possibility of ever catching up to the master. and secondly , he has access to the master – the master’s money , the master’s physical person. yet crime rates in India are very low. even though the middle class – who often have three or four servants – are paranoid about crime , the reality is master getting killed by his servant is rare…… you need two things a divide and a conscious ideology of resentment . we don’t have resentment in India. the poor just assume that the rich are a fact of life …. but I think we’re seeing what I believe is a class based resentment for the first time”(sawhney , 2008)

Title Of The Novel

                     “ The White Tiger” written by Arvind Adiga. Balaram Halwai as a  protagonist of the novel. at last he became the successful entrepreneur. also Balram Halwai  is presented as a modern hero, in the midst of the economic prosperity of India in the recent past. also we can say that Balram is representative of the poor in India yearning for their “tomorrow”. also  Adiga’s tries to define that his story is a parable of the new India with a distinctly macabre twist. he is not only an Entrepreneur but also a roguish criminal remarkably capable of self-justification. but here, we can define that the background against which he operates is one of Corruption , Inequality and Poverty. 

                However, at last Balram Become the one of the successful Entrepreneur and later on when Balram becomes an entrepreneur , he names his taxi company “The White Tiger Drivers”.

Poor – Rich Divide In ‘The White Tiger’

                 The novel ‘The White Tiger’ Adiga’s define that the poor and rich divide in the novel. we can see the Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger is the story exposes the poor-rich divide that surrounds India in the backdrop of economic prosperity, in the wake of the IT revolution.

               Adiga is so pictorial in his description of the protagonist, who plans his crime well in advance. his disgusting act of spitting repeatedly in the direction of his village could be a sign of final rejection of everything he holds dear, to escape from the Rooster coop of misery.

            His schooling in crime begins with the reading of Murder Weekly as all drivers do, to while away their time.

“of course , a billion servants are secretly fantasizing about strangling their bosses – and that’s why the government of India publishes the magazines and sells it on the streets for just four and a half rupees so that even the poor can buy it”
             He feels degraded as a human being, deprived of basic human rights to enter a shopping mall. a poor driver couldn’t enter a mall as he belonged to the poor class. if he walked into the mall someone would say,

“Hey, that man is a paid driver ! what’s he doing in here ! “

          There were guards in grey uniforms on every floor – all of them seemed to be watching me. it was my first taste of the fugitive’s life. Balram reminisces one of the newspaper reports on the malls , in the malls of new India ? the security guards at these shopping malls identified the poor wearing sandals let in only those wearing shoes, while a poor man id sandals was driven out. this made a man in sandals explode “am I not a human being too?”

              He is educated in the mean ways of the rich which he imbibes himself in course of time. Balram , a victim of rich-poor divide , reverses the role and becomes “Master like Servant?” . when he is alone he takes pleasure in masochisms.

             He plays the games people play who cannot reach out to be like the master.  he had seen Mr.Ashok enjoying life with girls , frequenting malls and hotels. out of sheer spite for the rich he serves , he expresses his frustration in mean acts like those mentioned. his going to the red light area in search of a prostitute is to satisfy his suppressed revenge as well.

           He searches for strands of golden hair of women who frequently traveled with Ashok in the car and had sex. he takes pleasure in collecting every strand of female hair :

“A standoff golden hair !
I’ve got it in my desk to this day” (p.222)

              The protagonist confirms that the trustworthiness of servants is the entire Indian economy. this is a paradox and a mystery of India.

“Because Indians are the world’s most honest people…….”

                  Balram wants to escape from the Rooster coop. having been a witness to all of Ashoke’s corrupt practices an gambling with money to buy politicians, to kill and to loot, he decides to steal and kill. Adiga delves deep into his subconscious as he plans to loot Rs.700,000 stuffed into the red bag.

               The money is sufficient for him to begin a new life with a house of his own, a motorbike and a small shop. he hatched the murder plan in quick succession :

“The dream of the rich, and the dreams of the poor – they never overlap , do they ? see, the poor dream all their lives of getting enough to eat and looking like the rich. and what do the rich dream of ? losing weight and looking like the poor”(Ibidem, p.22 )

              Balram’s comment on the two puddles of red spat out by a paan chewing driver, discloses his mental frame:

The left-hand puddle of spit seemed to say:
But the right-hand puddle of split seemed to say:
Your father wanted you to be an honest man
Your father wanted to be a man
Mr. Ashok does not hit you or spit on you, you people did to your father.
Mr. Ashok made you take the blame when his wife killed that child on the road.
Mr. Ashok plays you well, 4,000 rupees a month. He has been raising your salary without your even asking.
This is a pittance. You live in a city. What do you save? Nothing.
Remember what the Buffalo did to his servant’s family. Mr. Ashok will ask his father to do the same to your family once you run away.
The very fact that Mr. Ashok threatens your family makes your blood boil!

             To wind up :

           The novel is an excellent social commentary on the poor-rich divide in India. Balram represents the downtrodden section of our society juxtaposed against the rich . Deirdre Donahue labels the white tiger an angry novel about injustice and power which creates merciless thugs among whom only the ruthless can survive. however, the white tiger should make every righ thinking citizen to read the signs of the time and be socially conscious of the rights and duties to each one , irrespective of caste , creed or economic status, to prevent create the type of Ashok and Balram in our society.


Works Cited

A.J. and Sebastian. "Poor-RichDivide in Arvind Adiga's "The White Tiger"." Journal Of Alternative Perspectives in the social science Vo.1 , Vo.2 (2009): 229-245.


Wednesday 16 March 2016

Representation of Woman in African literature ?

Name: Radha B. Ghevariya

STD: M.A (Sem-4)

Subject : The African Literature

Roll No. : 22

Submitted to : Department of English Maharaja krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

Topic : Representation of Woman in African literature ?

To Evaulate My Assignment Click Here


                The Representation of women in African literature play vital role in African literature also portrayed women in different shades. incomplete and inaccurate female characters littered early African works.

            The study of women characters, portrayed in African colonized literature is an interesting, with that one can know human nature of colonizing marginalizing or making other race gender religion subaltern. does African culture do the same with their women ? do they also colonizing women ? how is she portrayed in African literature how is it capturing their woman characters and men’s behavior with them?

*   The Swamp Dwellers

                    “ The Swamp Dwellers” written by Wole Soyinka . Akinwande oluwole ‘wole’ Soyinka is a Nigerian writer, notable especially as a playwright and poet; he was awarded the 1986 noble; prize in literature ; the first person in Africa and the diaspora to be so honoured.

              “The Swamp Dwellers” by wole Soyinka is placed in backward village of Nigeria in the Delta region. but the character of the play often have important interaction with the town life . because we can see the young man went for the city life because they have to hope and desire. so called the “Gifts of Colonialization” . here we can say that,

“All Temptation in whole the world”

                 However, the play focuses the struggle between the old and the new ways of the life in Africa. ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ examines the suffering and hardships of the people living in Nigeria Dealta . this story focuses on the society operating through modification between the city and country. although there are many characters in the play. the woman characters like Alu, Desala etc,.. the female character of Alu. Alu  as a wife of Makuri and mother of Igwezu and Awuchike. she was 60 years old. also her ideas and believes in the custom of the Swamp. and more concern about Awuchike . Alu is traditionalist,

“Tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within group or society with symbolic meaning or special significant with origin in the past”

          So, here we can say that she replaced her identity as a traditionalist. the character of Desala. she does not appears in the play. but she is spoken off. she is the embodiment of the corrupt nature of the city life. Desala marries Igwezu. Igwezu later becomes poor owing to bad return from his business. Desala found Awuchike prospering in his business. so, Desala leaves Igwezu  and marries Awuchike. so it shows how African city life has become morally void. also she leaves in modern life so change in society . also we can see the play shows village life and city life so here, it shows the village life connected with the tradition and the city life connected with modernity.

               However, we can find that his family tie with Desala is so strong that she even leaves her instances of powerful family bond in Soyinka’s . the  swamp dwellers , parents and Ignores the socio-cultural practice to win the love of Desala . he shows honesty to his love and beloved by shifting himself from the swamp to her urban. in a dialogue Alu reveals secret :

“Alu : she (Desala) made him (Awuchike) promise to take her there (the city) before she would wed him”

           At last we can say that female characters have not their own identity or story to be called or celebrated . but they are always portrayed as less heroic than men and in periphery.

*   A Grain of Wheat

                        “ A Grain of Wheat” is a novel by Kenya novelist Ngugi Wa Thiogo. the novel weaves together several stories set during the state of emergency in kenya’s struggle for independence focusing on the quite Mugo, whose life is ruled by a dark secret.

               Though being a political narrative the presence of women to strengthen the quality and reality of the novel is undeniable.

             Ngugi wa thiogo through the depiction of the ideal patriotic women pays great tribute to the African women especially in those dark days. the strength and courage of certain black women is incontestable in relating the fight for freedom. Ngugi wa thiogo  through the character of Wambai and Mumbi clearly shows as that though the men were ighting openly , the war led by the women was as much important as theirs.

              However, also we can see the character of Wambai’s “ now famous drama at the worker’ strike in 1950,

“how through her words and the common action of women they  had revived the strength of men”

            There is also the comic episode of how Wambui “once carried a pistol tied to her things near the gronis”. where behind the comic account of the incident.

           Here, we can say that ngugi wa thiogo portrays the courage and role of  women in freedom fighting. also he wants to demonstrate that of African women had not been such an inner force , Kenya would have never been what it is to-day.

             The character of Mumbi. the argument is illustrated by Mumbi’s inner force during the emergency period. she is in fact the character who depicts the ideal African women according to Ngugi wa thiogo. strong , beautiful. both and father more mother of a child, her strength during that period. if far than admirable,

“in the end, she tied a belt around her waist and took on a man’s work”

             The novel “ Grain of Wheat” in the chapter 7 Ngugi wa thiogo light on the sensual woman. ngugi wa thiogo as a writer of protest literature wants to demonstrate to what extent the African woman can prove to be both anmanly and take the role of men when need be through being portrayed as very  strong , one specific character of the African woman according to the author is the ability to play a completely different role which is that of the submissive woman or rather wife.

*   “Things Fall Apart”

                Chinua Achebe is one of the africa’s most well- known and influential contemporary writers. his first novel ‘things fall apart’ is an early narrative about the European colonization of Africa told from the point of view of the colonized people. the novel recounts the life of warrior and village hero Okonkwo , and describes the arrival of white missionaries to his Ibo village and their impact on African life and society at the end of the 19th century.

          Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart(TFA) requires an attentive and unbiased reading of the novel. At first glance, the women in TFA may seem to be an oppressed group with power, and this characterization is true to some extent. However, this characterization of Ibo women reveals itself to be prematurely simplistic as well as limiting, once the reader uncovers the diverse roles of the Ibo women throughout the novel. An excellent example of powerful women in the Ibo village is found in the role they play in the Ibo religion. The women routinely perform the role of priestess. The narrator recalls that during Okonkwo’s boyhood,

        “the priestess in those days was a woman called Chika. She was full of the
power of her god, and she was greatly feared”

               The novel describes two instances when Okonkwo beats his second wife, once when she did not come home to make his meal. He beat her severely and was punished but only because he beat her during the Week of Peace. He beat her again when she referred to him as one of those "guns that never shot." When a severe case of wife beating comes before the egwugwu, he found in favor of the wife., but at the end of the trial a man wondered "why such a trifle should come before the egwugwu."

*   Waiting For The  Barbarians

               J.M.Coetzee was born and raised in south Africa . he is one of the most highly honored contemporary writers. this novel contains several characters as given below;

v the magistrate
v colonel joll
v the girl
v the boy
v officer mandel
v old man
v mai

          The novel “waiting for the barbarians” is about morality and violence and about exploring human cruelty. it challenges humanity in several ways. it focuses on the impact of fear in human psyche and impact realism’s self- destructive person.

        Barbarian girl is a prisoner of Colonel Joll’s but after their release she is left behind by her folk in the outpost, begging, semi-blinded and disfigured from the torture. This symbolizes in extremes that how people can be transformed to be perceived as the other by an ideology and how the normal can turned out to be abnormal by the system.Relationship between the Magistrate and the barbarian girl.

         she will always stay as the other, both as a barbarian in the eye of the Empire and as carrying the marks of the Empire in her uncanny body, in the eyes of her folk.

        Barbarian girl blinded and crippled by the Third Bureau, she is left behind by her people and taken in by the Magistrate. as a prostitute— she lives and works in the inn, visited by the Magistrate. also she represented the Two conscripts and a guide— they travel with the Magistrate to return the girl to her people, they give testimony against him to the Third Bureau.